We’re the best at wish fulfillment.
If your wishes involve direct mail, bulk mailing, collating and assembly, etc., that is. Foxy Propaganda’s mailing mavens handle all USPS services, including the major headache of getting your direct mail into the most economical mail stream. We take your address list then scrub it, clean it, groom it – and transform it into an honest-to-goodness USPS-certified mailing list. We even fix bad addresses and return the data to you (as a much tidier version) for future mailings. And when Foxy says we’re “hands on” we’re not kidding. We’ll hand-assemble materials we print for you and can also incorporate existing materials into new kits. So whether you need collating and assembling sales materials for trade shows, or folding and assembling boxes and packages for direct mail campaigns, just hand it over to us.